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标题: [转帖] 菲每日问询者报:中国报纸警告可能发生“小规模战争” [打印本页]

作者: FUHEIWANGMANG    时间: 2012-4-26 19:08     标题: 菲每日问询者报:中国报纸警告可能发生“小规模战争”



中国海监,全称是中国海监总队,列入中国国土部国家海洋局(STATE OCEANICADMINISTRATION PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA)编制。海监船在国外媒体报道中的英文是China MarineSurveillance,缩写为CMS。

China daily warnsof ‘small-scale war’ with Philippines


1:27 am |Wednesday, April 25th, 2012

2012年4月25日 星期三 01:27


One of China’smost popular newspapers has warned of a potential “small-scale war” betweenBeijing and Manila as a result of their standoff at Panatag Shoal, orScarborough Shoal as the area is known internationally.
The Global Times,in an editorial published in its Chinese and English editions, said over theweekend that “China should be prepared to engage in a small-scale war at seawith the Philippines.”
“Once the warerupts, China must take resolute action to deliver a clear message to theoutside world that it does not want a war, but definitely has no fear of it,”the tabloid said.
Malacañang andPhilippine military officials were unfazed by the toughly worded editorial.
In a speech atXavier School in Greenhills, San Juan City, President Benigno Aquino III onTuesday said his administration was raising international awareness on theterritorial dispute between the Philippines and China to show the globalcommunity how Beijing was treating Manila.



Same treatment


Mr. Aquino saidthe Philippines wanted to take the issue to the International Tribunal on theLaw of the Sea  but China’s cooperation was needed to resolve it.
“Our weapon reallyhere is for the world to know what we are doing,” the President said. “Thesenations could start thinking if this is how we are being treated—whether theyare as big or as small as us—maybe there will come a time  that they willget the same treatment [from China],” he said.
He maintained itwas not his intention to escalate the problem with China.
“We own theshoal,” Mr. Aquino said, referring to Panatag, which lies about 200 kilometerswest of Zambales province.  “For so long a time we own it and [we are]recognized by international law, especially under the United Nations Conventionon the Law of the Sea (Unclos). That’s the only thing that we’re asking.”
Asked for commenton the Chinese paper’s editorial, Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)spokesperson Raul Hernandez said that “such irresponsible comments do not merita response from us.”
The Global Timesis owned by the Chinese Communist Party’s mouthpiece, The People’s Daily. Ithas a reputation for publishing nationalistic editorials that are often highlycritical of foreign governments and even Chinese officials.
Foreign SecretaryAlbert del Rosario urged Beijing to concur with Manila’s proposal to resolvethe territorial disputes between the two countries in accordance with theUnclos.








‘They’re lying,’ships still there


In Camp Aquino inTarlac City, the head of the military’s Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom) accusedChina of lying when it claimed it had withdrawn most of its vessels at PanatagShoal.
“We are tellingthem they’re not telling the truth,” Nolcom commander Lt. Gen. AnthonyAlcantara told visiting defense reporters.
In a pressbriefing, Alcantara said at least seven Chinese vessels remained in thevicinity of Panatag, including two small fishing boats anchored on the lagoonand three other fishing vessels off a sandbar.
Alcantara said twoChinese maritime ships—the gunboat FLEC 310  and  the surveillanceship CMS 71—had been sighted in the Panatag waters as of 8 p.m. Monday.
Two moresurveillance ships, the CMS 84 and 75,  are believed to be replenishingprovisions and refueling somewhere in the Chinese mainland, he added.





Chinese statement


The presence ofthe ships, according to Alcantara, belied a statement from the Chinese embassythat only one Chinese surveillance ship  remained in the area, and thatthe two others had been recalled.
Chinese embassyspokesperson Zhang Hua said only one Chinese surveillance ship remained atPanatag for “law enforcement missions.”
“The withdrawal ofthe two ships proves once again China is not escalating the situation as somepeople said, but de-escalating the situation,” Zhang said.
On the Philippineside, a Coast Guard ship, the BRP Pampanga, and a Bureau of Fisheries andAquatic Resources ship, the MCS 3006, are in the Panatag waters to stand guard,Alcantara  said.
Last night, theDFA said that “contrary to the Chinese embassy’s claim, two of their vessels—themaritime surveillance ships CMS 71 and FLEC 310—are still in the area, alongwith five Chinese fishing vessels.” The information came from the Coast Guard,it said.



War of netizens


In Manila, thescience and technology department’s Information and Communications TechnologyOffice (ICTO) has warned Filipino techies against defacing Chinese websites. Itsaid trading barbs online would not help in the government’s efforts to easetensions with China.
Philippinewebsites have been defaced by Chinese nationals, and vice versa, as netizenstook the quarrel between both countries online.
“The recentalleged defacement of foreign websites by local hacker groups is not condonednor encouraged by the Philippine government,” ICTO executive director LouisCasambre said.



China has LYING as middlename. China is as Dangerous as North Korea. The world should protectitself from everything Chinese.


Is not going to be a smallscale war, it will be a RACE WAR....chinese descent will be target ...agenocide!!! a plea to China, abandon your false claims on our waters...don'tlet the opium of greed cloud your minds...your country is so rich andyour people are great...most goods in the world are made in china,you consumed most're old great leaders will never do suchprovocative actions....our nation is poor with struggling economy, ravagewith rebellion, a lot of our people are leaving to other countries to find jobs to feed their families, our leaders failed us..foreign religion andideology poisons our minds......our people suffered so much on foreigninvaders , they killed, rape, steal, change our culture andnames....besides all these shortcomings " WE ARE A PROUDNATION" ....we will stand our grounds with  our ASEANbrothers....this is not warmongering...let our intellectuals/diplomats sit down, reason out and solve this problem.










Instead of talking about warwith China and blaming the Government on the matter, why not start hittingtheir economy. I am talking here of urging all Filipinos to stop buying piratedchinese products. The Chinese economy rely heavily on its production of pirateditems from DVDs, shoes, watches, computers, electronics etc. For every pirateditem you buy, you are helping them build their economy and military whiledenying our country the needed profit and taxes by buying our own products. TheWestern and European countries have almost defeated this piracy economy ofchina and have many times criticized us for being the number one client ofchina on its piracy economy. So before we face our doom, better start buyingour own and stop buying and importing pirated products of china. We need tosacrifice even if these pirated products are cheaper than our products. In afew years time, this will have a positive effect on our economy and stopfurther additional money for china to build weapons against the world. Othercountries will also start respecting us if we succeed on this. It only takesour steadfast will to accomplish the task.


Two thumbs up. Let's do it !! Well I started to junk Made inChina.
Every time I buy something, I check the label and make sure it is NOT






Arrogant Chinese government.All Asia will never be under your rule. You will be humbled in the right time.Be warned


Will Rey
Although China knows that thePhilippines does not have the firepower to defend the Scarborough Shoalmilitarily,  I much doubt that China will  elevate the standoff  in the West Philippine Sea standoff  into a "small-war. "  A small-scale war will draw the attention of theworld to the imminent danger of China's  expansionist aims in the region,Moreover, it will  invite not only the condemnation but also theintervention of the United States. It is in the national interest of the UnitedStates to keep the Southeast Asian sea lanes open and under America's sphere ofinfluence.   The American people will not let Obama  abandon America'sally  in Southeast Asia,  if and when push comes to shove. Obama isup for re-election in November. When the first shot is fired, expect Obama to ride the wave of anti-Chinese sentiment in the country by rattling his verbal sword  for political reasons. I don't know what goodit will do for the Philippines, but I'm certain it'll get him the lion's shareof the Philippine-American votes. If Obama does not honor America's obligationsunder the Philippine-American Mutual Defense Treaty, Philippine-Americans coulddo their land of birth a favor by electing  a Republican president whobelieves in the notion of American exceptionalism.      


let me correct you bro, it will not be obama's decision to assist us incase a war will erupt between us and china, our mutual defense treaty withuncle sam is one way because it states that an attack to america is consideredan attach to philippines while in an attack to philippines US congress approvalis needed before they can join the war.


Will ReyCollapse
To borrow a point from a song, we all get by with a little help from ourfriends. America's hand-offs policy in the Scarborough Shoal standoff does not inspire confidence  in the Philippine-American friendship. Obama doesnot need the approval of  the U.S. Congress to  sound off to China insupport of the Philippine position  on the military standoff in the WestPhilippine Sea.  That's called moral support, not a declaration ofwar.  Obama has his tail tucked between his legs because America is up toher neck in an ever-increasing and never-ending debt to China. At present thereis no urgent need for Obama to bite the hand that indulges his spending habit.China will not occupy or annex the Scarborough Shoal without the acquiescenceof the Filipino people. There are other other subtle and persuasive ways tobring the Philippines under China's sphere of influence.         


did i say obama needs congress approval in just showingsome moral support?it says if there is an attack, read it again


Even the Mutual Defense treaty will not draw America intowar against China. It is the threat and death of American citizens living inthe Philippines that will trigger a massive US  respond. US constitutionrequires american military power to be deployed to defend her citizens aroundthe world. We are tens of thousands american living in the Philippines and weare spread across the country. We are taxpayers along with our children andgrandchildren living in the US who are also taxpayers living in mainland USAwho must enjoy the same protection under the US constitution. How will USmilitary respond to the threat to protect her citizens, I'm sure they alreadyhave their plans and assets ready anytime in case of an attack against hercitizens.


good point, even during WWII US congress was reluctant injoining the war but pearl harbor turned the tide.


We Filipinosshould not be afraid of China. The Philippines is a Christian country whileChina now is controlled by godless communist. Just like in the Bible, Godfearing David has defeated the godless Goliath so will the God fearingPhilippines will defeat godless communist China.


God bless the Philippines. Oh Lord God we beseech you tocome to our aid in case this godless nation inflict pain on our spirit, help usdefend ourselves against this invaders who knows nothing of respect for thelaw. In all this we pray in  Jesus mighty name...Amen


What, then shall we say in response to thesethings? If God is for us, who can be against us? ~ Romans 8:31 (NIV)


Be realistic....


.... chinacompulsive liars, they will lie to their teeths ..... watch out they arehumongous traitors ...


Totoy Mola
DEJA VU Pilpendehos.. That is what you get when stealingMindanao... Taste your own medicine.. Pilipendehos bow only to the strong butoppresses the weak!!!!
God Damns Fagamerica!! God Damns Pendehonas!!! Mamatay nalahat ang mga Pilipendeho!! Die all Action Figure Statue Worshippers especiallyCatholics!!!!



There is no needto boycott Chinese, if the government really want to disable the Chineseeconomy, just cancel all permits granted to export our raw materials to China.If we stop all our raw materials to China, the chinese production will stop, iftheir is no production, chinese people will riot and that's the time the had anupheaval. The chinese are exploiting Africa and other part of the world just tosustain their production. We had an advantage because we are very near toChina. Chinese investor are all over the country, they lease our land andplanted with strategic plants (palm oil, rubber tree, cassava, banana, coconut,etc ) just to keep them alive. Our minerals are fueling the economy of Quandongprovince. . . therefore STOP exporting our raw materials.


个人评论:先表示下,不知道这玩意会不会被删。 不过,看了以上评论,咱表示,菲律宾果然是YY强国。 咱不说别的,菲律宾,咱求你就朝我们来一炮吧。 不过,菲佣们应该知道兔子的名言:勿谓言之不预。 白头鹰不会帮你的,白头鹰不喜欢和一群无脑动物在一起的。还是努力的骗点军费吧,亲。
作者: oct2008    时间: 2012-4-26 20:08

作者: taqial    时间: 2012-4-26 20:30

作者: 湛江牛杂    时间: 2012-4-26 23:11

作者: 大秦王朝zxcvbn    时间: 2012-4-26 23:42

作者: 打开Google搜索    时间: 2012-4-27 11:13

作者: 3711061456    时间: 2012-4-27 14:01

作者: 现役军人    时间: 2012-4-27 18:13

原帖由 3711061456 于 2012-4-27 14:01 发表 [bbs=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=82258984&ptid=4361401][/bbs]
这等事如果碰到美国和俄罗斯,菲律宾敢这么嚣张吗?中国是大国中最温和的了,变成了让他们理解为这是可以随便傲娇的。总是提那个海岛离菲律宾近,怎么不说历史上东南亚大部分地区长久还是中国的藩属国呢?就是近代菲 ...
作者: 李硬盘    时间: 2012-5-1 15:23

“兵”,是国家正规军;“勇”,是民兵,乡勇也。第一次把 这个概念搞清楚。谢谢楼主。

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